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the weekly

CPW's main event. each week i (me, claire) will grace your inbox 💌 with a pop culture brain dump, weekly catch up, makeup rec... who knows? each week is different, so you just gotta see for urself.

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i may be a words person, but that doesn't mean you are! if newsletters and listicles aren't your thing, i record a chatty read-through 🎙️ of each CPW installment, housed on my Substack. if i go a little off script sometimes... don't hold it against me.


because what am i if not chronically online? 🤳 follow along on instagram now (more profiles to come) to get more CPW content.


is a newsletter turned internet diary. 

my name is claire, and i started CPW as a junior in college because i love to hear myself talk. kidding! kind of. i've always been interested in, well, a lot of things. books, movies and tv. celebrity style, celebrity couples and award shows. makeup. hair care. skincare. video games. shopping. you get the point. i wanted a place to rant about the bad movie i just watched or put a microscope to Harry Styles' streetwear. i took fingers to keyboard and started my newsletter, Claire's Perfect World.

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the hope is that if you're here, you care about some of this stuff, too. in a world where most everything isn't perfect, i've found solace and entertainment in CPW, dreaming up frivolous delusions about how i could make my world perfect.


care to join me? ❤️

xoxo, CB

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